I chose this name because I believe these two emotions cover the entire emotional range of both human experience and classical music. And for me, music is all about emotion. And one of the myths I want to dispell about classical is that you have to understand it to love it or even just appreciate it, There is no hidden code that you have to know. So many people think that they have to work really hard to "understand" a piece they hear - that there is some unknown intellectual activity if they just knew, then it would unlock all this music.
Please believe me - there really isn't. The only thing to do is to listen with an open mind and heart and see how the music makes you feel. It could rouse you and make you feel like you've jusy won the olympics, it could remind you of a loved one whom you miss. It could fill your heart with love for that special somone.
All you have to do is just be open and see how the music makes you feel.
But don't jusy take my word for it. The legendary conductor Benjamin Zander gave a brilliant TED talk on classical music. It's funny, moving and could well make you cry. But it might just change your life. Have a look:
One thing I should add - and emphasise - is that it's OK not to like a piece. There are lots of works I don't like - you are 100% entitled to like all, some or none of the pieces I cover. And just because I or someone else raves about something, it doesn't mean you have to like it. Don't ever lose the courage to say "not for me" and move on.